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AI Industry Foundation (AIIF) is founded to be accountable to the AI industry. We are an alliance of corporate member representatives who understand that AI will continue to change everything and who want to integrate our specialized experience with others to stay ahead of the risks and opportunities.

The AIIF works to generate and collect member interests in AI on a personal level, and then cater to those interests with actionable knowledge on AI issues surrounding business strategy, internal use, social risks, compliance, data, capabilities, commercial terms, explainability, and intellectual property. Our AI knowledge is delivered through in-person and hybrid public symposiums, closed-door executive sessions, and written reports and externalizations. This is the AIIF insight legal newsletter.

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Subscribe to AI Legal

AI Legal is a knowledge-sharing newsletter for AI industry leaders, legal professionals, and researchers. We live a few minutes into the future of AI policy and expertise.


Canadian and U.S. lawyer, Tokyo Immigrant and Optimist